
All certifications


Certification service under the Colombian Ecological Seal for agricultural products

Mayacert has the following accredited schemes under ISO/IEC 17065:2012 accreditation: IAF Code 1, NACE Code 01.61 Organic Primary Agricultural Products and IAF Code 3, NACE Code 10.01, Organic Agricultural Processed Products.

We invite you to learn about our service through the steps to certification (if you want the certification protocol you can request it at and cost table, and if you want to have a quote, download the following form, fill it out and send us, we will gladly send you an economic proposal without any commitment.

The resources of Mayacert S.A.S. , to obtain financial strength, come from the sales generated by the provision of the certification service and the company's capital, as evidenced by our constant growth and permanence in the market. If more information is required about:

Certification schemes (Mayacert has a Type 6 scheme), including evaluation procedures, rules and procedures. Description of the means by which Mayacert SAS obtains its financial support and general information on the fees charged to applicants and clients Description of the rights and duties of applicants and clients, including requirements, restrictions or limitations on the use of the Mayacert name S.A.S. and the certification mark.

The senior management of Mayacert S.A.S. is committed to impartiality in the certification process.

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Steps to get this service


Send us your certification request

Complaints and Appeals

Mayacert, in compliance with ISO 17065 and its Management System, makes the following complaints procedure available to you, to receive your comments and suggestions about our services:

Do you need help hiring our services?

Our team will be happy to advise you on everything you need.