For all our clients. Below is a series of relevant communications, regarding the issuance of NOP and EU Transaction Certificates, please take into account:
Certificación orgánica para productos agrícolas y de recolección silvestre bajo las normas JAS Not 1605 y Procesamiento de productos orgánicos Not 1606 para el mercado Japonés.
The organic certification created by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan for agricultural and wild collection products under JAS Not 1605 and Organic Product Processing Not 1606 standards for the Japanese market. The certification is necessary for clients who want to export their organic production to Japan, even if they have certificates from other countries.
Obtain the JAS organic certification through Mayacert, an accredited certifier by the Japanese government (MAFF). Once you obtain your certification, you can use the JAS symbol on your products. This allows you to access the Japanese market and reach consumers committed to high-quality organic products.
Visit web siteSTEP 1
Know the standard
Fill the paperwork
Submit your application
Attach the applicable documents from step 2 and send them to:
Cost table
To request the cost table send an email to:
Our team will be happy to advise you on everything you need.